Letter: No need for bank to relocate

Letter: No need for bank to relocate

Dear Editor,

Great news everybody!

The TD Bank does not actually have to relocate anymore, not far anyway. [Bank relocation compounds misery, Nov. 19, Langley Advance Letters.]

Just last week, before the wind blew it down, a new sign went up in the Langley Mall parking lot announcing a brand new building suitable for restaurant and business.

Now the only excuse/reason for leaving that they tried to blow up our skirts becomes moot.

If the current location can’t be renovated up to their high quality standards of dis-serve-us, then I am sure this new one can.

Since they haven’t actually broken ground yet, all they have to do is wait for a brand shiny new one to be built, to their exacting specifications. I think this is great for the City. More commercial development, no need to inconvenience so many of their customers or degrade the public’s perception of our chosen bank brand, and they won’t even have to change the addresses on their business cards.

Plus all the disabled people they forgot about will be happy, we won’t have to risk our lives so far to visit a branch to see a real person, or close all our accounts and deal with all the new direct deposit and on-line bill paying hassles.

Plus the Township will not be able to claim some ignominious political victory over the City.

Otherwise this sends yet another embarrassing message out there that my chosen hometown may not be such a great place to do business, or live. And I really don’t want to move away like they do. But a city core without a bank?

Surely somebody out there can talk some cents into them. We know it ain’t about our dollars.

Maybe Scotiabank will appreciate them.

Danny A. “Hurricane” Halmo

Langley City and proud of it


Langley Advance