LETTER: No reason for higher dog tag fees

City should roll them back in line with other fees in the FVRD

When we moved to Abbotsford, we did what all honest dog owners do and purchased a tag for our little dog.

She was a spade female and I was told by the cashier it would cost $28. We had lived in several other communities before moving to Abbotsford and in most of these places the fee had been between $12 and $15.

When asked why the fee here was so high, the cashier said it was because the city provided control officers as well as off-leash dog parks. This line of reasoning now becomes a lot of poop since the city has contracted pet control and collecting fees  to the FVRD.

The FVRD also provide the same services to Chilliwack where the tag fee for a male or spade female is only $15.

If you go on line you will find that there are four off-leash parks in the Chilliwack area compared to only three in Abbotsford.

Fair is fair, and since  Abbotsford has no honest reason for the higher fees, they should roll them back in line with other fees in the FVRD.

If you are a dog owner in Abbotsford, send a letter or telephone city hall and let them know that this needs to be corrected .


Lionel Potts


Abbotsford News