Letter: No refugees until all Canadians are housed

Should we not take care of our own homeless Canadian citizens first? Are they not just as important as other country’s refugees?

To the editor:

What about our Canadian homeless? Two letters to the editor appeared in the Capital News November 11, 2015.

One by Sharon Shepherd, [Homelessness Not On Kelowna’s Agenda] former Kelowna mayor, states regarding homelessness: “So what has happened, the four corner strategy in no longer in place, the coordinator position regarding homelessness is no longer in place, the community court is no longer in place and Homeless Awareness week is no longer a priority.”

John Hannah, [Homeless in the Streets but Canada’s Bringing in Refugees] states what is on everyone’s mind regarding the refugee problem.

How can we in all consciousness offer all this assistance to the Syrian refugees when we have thousands of our own across Canada, forced to sleep on the streets and begging for food?

Seniors, who were once also immigrants, have stated they received loans for boat fares, food, accommodation and clothing which they were expected to pay back.

In addition many were sponsored by Canadian citizens, who had to be able to prove that they would assist them in finding living accommodations, food and work possibilities etc.

Should we not take care of our own homeless Canadian citizens first? Are they not just as important as other country’s refugees?

Paul Pierron, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News