Letter: No to rezoning Penticton development

Development of some single-family homes is not opposed, but 126 rental units would prove to be a huge mistake.

Please attend a meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. at the trade and convention centre regarding a potential development of 126 rental units at 175 Kinney St.

The only street access to this development would be from Kinney Street with Parkway School next to it. The idea of this development possibly happening if the city re-zones the property would be a nightmare with parking as the developer does not have enough parking spaces for all units on the designated property.

The danger to students, citizens walking, many with walkers and scooters and with lots of activities happening in the park all summer; this project would surely be an accident in the making. All of the cars, trucks, etc. coming and going from and onto Kinney Street is not a good move.

Development of some single-family homes is not opposed, but 126 rental units would prove to be a huge mistake. This reason is only one of many why re-zoning to permit this development should not proceed.   Please attend this meeting and make known your objections.

Joanie Green




Penticton Western News