
Letter: North Cowichan forest review misconceptions

To date, there are no property tax implications

North Cowichan forest review misconceptions

There are reports that North Cowichan is currently trying to sell carbon credits to offset lost logging revenue.

This is not true. There has been no decision to convert all or part of the Six Mountains to a carbon offset management strategy. There are many steps to go through before the municipality can sell carbon offsets.

Geographic boundaries have to be established, current net emissions measured, prices established, carbon sequestration certified and most importantly, public engagement has been promised before any forest management decisions are made.

The logging and the potential for a carbon offset program are on hold until the forest review and public engagement are completed.

The review and the public engagement have been funded by drawing on the Forest Reserve Fund. To date, there are no property tax implications.

But the reserve is running low, the forest review needs to be completed during this council’s term or there could be tax implications.

Councillor Rob Douglas said in a recent council meeting, “We are over complicating this” and “this should be done in months not years”.

Hopefully the mayor and council will take heed to Rob’s words and develop a plan to get this done before their term expires next year.

Robert Fullerton

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen