LETTER: Not a fan of Fortis billing

Take a moment to look at and break down your Fortis gas bill delivery charges.

Take a moment to look at and break down your Fortis gas bill delivery charges. My bill is as follows:

1. Basic: this is a charge for the privilege of being their customer, 0.3890 per day for me (whether I use any gas or not – $13.62 for 35 days).

2. There is the carbon tax on top of that to the tune of $24.73 which is calculated on the entire bill, not just for gas used.

3. Adding insult to injury, the carbon tax is taxed! GST of five per cent of the entire bill to a total of $7.71.

My total amount due was $162.44 but the actual cost of the gas used was $34.21. This means that $128.23 has to be paid for delivery, storage and taxes. Where is the incentive to save energy? How about some competition for Crown corporation monopolies such as ICBC, Hydro, Fortis and MSP.


Jerry Fairbanks, Mission



Mission City Record