Letter: Not moving fast enough on climate change

Climate science is clear that a tipping point of irreversible global warming exists.


Climate science is clear that a tipping point of irreversible global warming exists.  Have we passed the point of no return?  We needed common solutions before runaway global warming and climate change disaster happens.

Canada needs a 100 per cent renewable energy economy.  Certain is the fact that our next generation cannot solve our problem. Our generation will solve our problem that will otherwise end disastrously.

Our common solution by 2050 is too late for disastrous global warming and climate change.  Four years, 2020 is realistic and necessary for Canada’s National Climate Plan achieving a 100 per cent renewable energy economy by 2030.

A successful or unsuccessful solution exists for our children, our children’s children, our grandchildren, their grandchildren, and our children seven generations hence.

Five times more carbon exists in “proven” reserves than can be burned to avoid climate disaster.  Fossil-fuel corporations intend to burn it all while exploring for more fossil-fuel reserves.

Capitalism “venerates” competition pitting every man for himself.  Competition destroys essential requirements for social living.  Competition blocks being our sisters’ and brothers’ keepers.

Competition determines superior-inferior status. Competition is antithetical to democratic social equality, therefore, we cannot treat each other as democratic social equals or solve our common problems on the basis of democratic mutual respect.

Does my neighbour love me?  We are guarded.

The greatest global carbon polluter is our military.

Military budgets alone could finance a paradise on earth for all men, women, and children.  Should I love my neighbour?  Competitively, we are our fellow man’s worse enemy.

Close our ears to “professions” of climate change concern. Look only at our achievements. How fast are we moving to a national 100 per cent renewable energy economy?

Competitively, we cannot solve our common problem of global warming and climate change within this generation. Disaster capitalism divides us against an honest National Climate Plan.

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune