LETTER: Not much difference for border crossings

I want to remind Stephen Hill (letter to editor Dec. 21) that the Conservatives are authors of the proposed border closure at Midway.


Re: No border closure (Dec. 21 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette)

I would like to remind Stephen Hill (letter to editor Dec. 21) that the Conservative Party is the author of the proposed border closure at Midway.

It is a party which thinks it represents the majority of Canada with fewer than 40 per cent of the actual vote and less than 30 per cent of the potential voters.

We are thankful for the Midway customs and for the sawmill, however, whether one drives through Midway customs to Colville, Wash. or through the crossing near Christina Lake, the kilometres are very similar (not 100 longer) and the Canadian highway from the Christina Lake border crossing to Midway is often in better shape.

We know Mr. Hill is very proud of the Boundary Sawmills (BSI) concept, however BSI spent many millions purchasing from Fox Lumber, half of what Fox Lumber paid only $750,000 for.

Most of these millions are financed by a local financial institute and will take many years to pay off.

Jane Marshall, Midway

Grand Forks Gazette