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LETTER: Notices remain too long on power poles

On my walks in the morning, I have always noticed notices of different sorts nailed to the power poles. A very good place to get the word out on any subject. I've even used it myself when we have had a plant sale. But we have always gone out the next day and removed these notices.

On my walks in the morning, I have always noticed notices of different sorts nailed to the power poles. A very good place to get the word out on any subject. I’ve even used it myself when we have had a plant sale. But we have always gone out the next day and removed these notices.

These three “lost cat” notices should have been removed months ago. Two year old “Marzipan”, who was lost a year ago, must have been found, or forgotten about. Black and white “Baby” was lost Sept. 9, 2019. Plenty of time to remove the notice

And poor “Howl” went missing last September also. Time the notice was taken down

These people can take the time to put the notice on the pole, it only takes the same amount of time to remove them. Why wait for time and weather to slowly turn them to junk. If you live in this lovely area, then why not try to keep it nice and tidy

Lyall Eriksen


Goldstream News Gazette