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LETTER – Obeying the common-sense rules will defeat the virus

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

The government’s extreme measures are intended to protect vulnerable people of any age with a significant health issue.

Those compromised who are at risk need to stay home – they need to be supported by neighbours, friends and the community. Those contaminated or tested positive need to stay home and be supported. Those travellers, likely contaminated, need to stay home as required by government orders.

I have two friends who spent time in the Vancouver area in February. Both became ill with a flu they had not experienced before. They were not tested but likely it was COVID-19. Both have completely recovered. Both are healthy, one is a senior. Age is not the issue – it’s the condition of the person contracting this fast-moving virus.

International travel is a way of life. Thousands have been contaminated with COVID-19 at airports. They are in our community… our neighbours.

We all have a responsibility to contain this disease by following the common-sense rules. Distancing, hand-washing, quarantine.

I’m looking forward to a meal at my favourite restaurant and the slots taking my money, again. Let’s end this crisis soon.

We all need to do our part.

Phil Harrison


Comox Valley Record