Letter: Off-leash at Sutherland Park

I suggest polling your readers how they feel about making the section north of the Sutherland Park boat launch, an off-leash dog park.

To the editor:

I think a poll on the on-going controversy of off-leash dog parks would be a good idea.

City hall has said they are in the long-term process of turning some of the lakefront land they are buying just north of Sutherland Park, into a possible dog park. I suggest polling your readers how they feel about making the section north of the Sutherland Park boat launch, an off-leash dog park.

I was given a warning ticket for not having my dog on leash yesterday by two RDCO officers at Sutherland Park. They both said they would sign a petition as they didn’t believe the bylaw was a good one.

It wouldn’t take much to do it for this summer.

Kelly Cromie, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News