Sunnyside Acres Heritage Society president Ron Meadley places branches across an unsanctioned trail.

Sunnyside Acres Heritage Society president Ron Meadley places branches across an unsanctioned trail.

LETTER: Off-leash dogs disrupt forest, too

Re: Urban forest under attack from visitors, July 3.


Re: Urban forest under attack from visitors, July 3.

Surprisingly, reporter Tracy Holmes’ story did not touch on another major disruption to the Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest – off-leash dogs.

I walk mine, on leash, through the trails regularly and often see off-leash dogs trampling through the ferns and bushes off-trail.

In one case, an owner was throwing a ball into the bush for their dog to fetch.

These same dogs are likely the ones leaving all of the unscooped poop that we see on the trails, as their ‘conveniently oblivious’ owners walk well ahead of them.

Many people walk these trails, and those without dogs should not be subject to off-leash dogs approaching them. Your pooch may be the friendliest dog in the world, but that does not entitle you let it run off-leash.

In fact, both you and your dog will get better exercise, if you keep your dog leashed and walk at a steady pace without stopping.

The dog park is a much better alternative, if you want to exercise your pet in a wide open space.

The urban forest is for everyone to enjoy, and all are entitled to a peaceful walk through its trails without dogs running at them or having to clean the poop off their shoes when they are done.

Chris Swartz, South Surrey



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