Letter: Off-leash pets leave ‘corridor of death’ behind

Nature’s critters are telling you by their absence that your nature walk is a stroll on a corridor of death.

To the editor:

Spring is a wonderful time to hike along one of our many nature trails.

You will smell the scent of the budding trees, see the moving clouds and blue sky, feel a breeze caressing your cheek and hear birds rustling in the bush and calling from the tree tops.

Another sight will be a person standing on the side of the path or shuffling along carrying a dangling leash.

His/her pet, like you, is entranced by nature’s beauty on these most glorious of days.

The animal is heard sniffing and foraging, seen puffing while dripping water and making prints with paws caked in mud.

Anyone who is aware of the surroundings will realize the symbolism of the leash that droops from the pet owner’s fist.

And, nature’s critters are telling you by their absence that your nature walk is a stroll on a corridor of death.

Dave Jones,



Kelowna Capital News