
Letter: Officials not doing enough to fight climate crisis

Citizens need to stand together to say we will not take this any longer

Officials not doing enough to fight climate crisis

I always thought the “climate crisis” was something far off in the future, something that would not impact me or my child. I know now that isn’t the case. As I write this letter, I am still recovering mentally and physically from the historic and deadly heat wave that encapsulated British Columbia (and the entire world, for that matter). I became physically ill from the heat, as I was not prepared. I did not have AC or enough fans to keep us cool. Many people and animals tragically succumbed to the heat, and experts say this will not be the last time.

My question is: why aren’t our leaders doing enough to stop it?

Why are they letting us die?

We know there is a clear link between carbon pollution from fossil fuels and scorching temperatures in B.C. We know that fossil fuel extraction and shipment is detrimental to life on Earth, on all fronts. We know that the economic benefits will not last forever, and are already dwindling.

Fossil fuel projects like LNG Canada and the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion are making this exponentially worse. Politicians need to stop spending public money on polluting projects and shut construction down immediately to keep us safe. Citizens need to stand together to say we will not take this any longer.

Ten years for more electric buses from BC Transit is too long. The year 2050 is way too long to wait for net-zero emissions.

For the sake of my son, I will not stop fighting for life-saving climate solutions. We need immediate action, because life on Earth cannot wait another second.

Fossil fuels are killing people and we need to quit them cold turkey.

Erin Blondeau

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen