LETTER: One final thank you to those who helped in rescue

There is no way we could ever repay or thank enough all those who helped us.

Re: In response to Les Szabo’s letter “A big thanks to selfless heroes”

As the four women who were in the car accident on Sumas Way and Vye Road on June 16.

We wanted to say one final thank you, even though there have already been a number of responses. We wanted to say huge thanks specifically to the firefighters, police, EMTs, and the individuals who stopped without hesitation to jump into the ditch and upright our car so that we could be freed from the wreckage.

We know that God has spared out lives for a reason, even though the road to recovery may be lengthy and painful. We appreciate all the support that the community around us has shown. There is no way we could ever repay or thank enough all those who helped us. With blessings and much love.

Leslie, Kim, Kari, Shawna and each of their parents


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