Letter: One rat does not make an infestation

Annoyed to see sensational front page headline: “Rats Infesting Glenmore”!

To the editor:

I was quite annoyed to see your all-encompassing, sensational front page headline on Sept, 19th’s Capital News, “Rats Infesting Glenmore”!

We have a home in north Glenmore and another in old Glenmore that we have owned for the last 12 and seven years respectively. In that time I have never seen one rat on either property or the surrounding neighbourhood.

Not one rat! No rat droppings, nothing.

But apparently we are infested with them! Really!!

Come on, give us Glenmore residents a break! You really should think twice before you paint everyone with the same brush!!

This kind of headline is just irresponsible!

It sounds like a few people leave out too much loose compost, vegetables and meat scraps and of course they are going to attract rodents, if we have any.

Gord Hammond,



Kelowna Capital News