Letter: Only US law enforcement officials should have access to automatic weapons

Editor: US citizens are brainwashed to love guns. They grow up in an environment where guns are glorified, promoted and accepted.

Letter: Only US law enforcement officials should have access to automatic weapons

Editor: US citizens are brainwashed to love guns. They grow up in an environment where guns are glorified, promoted and accepted.

When we see major shootings like in Las Vegas, we are surprised and, initially, people are outraged and call for gun control. After a while, the uproar begins to fall. The same pattern continues and eventually another tragedy happens.

Guns are sold for freedom, rights and protection, but why do we need automatic weapons? Who really needs an assault rifle? Criminals. The only group that should have assault rifles should be law enforcement for threats, military purposes, and to protect the country.

Jashan Brar,


Langley Times