LETTER: Ontario Law Society decision correct

Democracy and human rights thrive when religious fundamentalism is pushed out of public domain

As a skeptic and believer in human rights trumping religious dogma, I applaud the decision of the Ontario Law Society in its decision not to recognize the law program of Trinity Western University.

For all those who backed Trinity let me ask you a question. If it were a Muslim university that backed Islamic fundamentalism who wanted to train lawyers, how many of you would call for tolerance of Shari Law being introduced into our secular court system?

I wage not many, as people living in religious bubbles seldom, if ever, can understand that others live in their own bubbles which are no more or no less valid then theirs.

Fundamentalism in any belief system is nothing I support as they have the same goal in mind of being anti-human rights, anti-free will, anti-female, and anti-gay. In fact every fundamentalist sect cries religious persecution when their narrow views aren’t made the norm in society.

Democracy and human rights can only thrive when religious fundamentalism is pushed out of the public domain.

Robert T. Rock


Mission City Record