Letter – Open letter to Harper re: attack of Putin

I want you to know that I consider your attack of Putin at the G20 meetings was a disgusting example of bullying that shames Canada

An open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper

I want you to know that I consider your attack of Putin at the G20 meetings was a disgusting example of bullying that shames Canada and all Canadians. To use that forum, while hiding under NATO’s skirts, is reprehensive in the extreme.

The situation in the Ukraine was indeed engineered by outside forces, but if you have looked at the facts and yet concluded that Russia did the engineering then your education was a waste of time and money. If on the other hand you know that the “get Putin at any cost” is a scam and a fraud, and you continue to support that position, then you didn’t learn ethic behaviour or logic.

Your penchant for using violence via military might and trade sanctions against other countries and people is against all Canadian values. You make huge cry (and photo ops) about the killing of tow Canadian soldiers while simultaneously sending fighter-bombers to Iraq to kill soldiers and we don’t know how many women and children. Hypocrisy of the worse order.

I want you to know you do none of the above in my name.

Jack Blower,

Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette