LETTER: Open your eyes, people

A Calgary woman was recently detained after using the wrong COVID test when she returned to Canada from the U.S. What the hell?


A Calgary woman was recently detained after using the wrong COVID test when she returned to Canada from the U.S. What the hell?

Anyone talking about holding facilities being built or bought for isolation centers for the last eight months has been called conspiracy theorists. Their information was removed from the internet, and their accounts were suspended.

So what the hell? Rapid test negative? Why the panic? Health-care workers are having rapid tests.

Open your eyes, people. A hotel in Ontario is also a holding center. Folks who don’t take the proper test are locked up and fed fast food delivered to their door. Now there’s a healthy approach to healthy bodies.

Get real.

Ellen Lewers


editor@sookenewsmirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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