
Letter: Opening border is political arrogance

How many more Canadians will die after reopening our borders to Americans

Opening border is political arrogance

Yankee stay home.

The insanity of letting vaccinated Americans enter Canada as of Aug. 9, 2021 simply shows the lack of political understanding of COVID-19 and its highly contagious Delta variant.

How many more Canadians will die after reopening our borders to Americans — when many states flagrantly ignored the spectres of COVID — is unknown.

That looming, continued tragedy should not shock anyone once COVID/Delta spikes start upward again.

Those needless infections and deaths will rest firmly on the hands of our politicians who apparently haven’t the basic wherewithal to put health and safety before our economy.

Nor do they seemingly understand how to smartly grow and manage our economy safely in the face of this pandemic, and various other pandemics on our global horizon.

Maybe once COVID body counts reach those of the 1918 Spanish flu will our feckless leaders see the light.

But by then it will sadly be too late for those Canadians who died from political ignorance and arrogance.

Peter W. Rusland

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen