Letter: Opinion on smart meters counts

I will collect letters and present them to FortisBC, Area D Representative Roly Russell, and others, writes Karin Bagn.

FortisBC will [potentially]  cut off power to customers in Area D who do not want a smart meter. FortisBC will install smart meters despite refusals. The only “option” is a smart meter with a “radio off” function that can easily be turned right back on.

FortisBC is installing Itron C2S000 meters.  Installations will not be made by electricians, but by a contractor called Corix. FortisBC will not  provide a certificate  from a legally-qualified  electrician that the smart meter is safe, or written confirmation that my old log house/barn can safely accommodate a smart  meter.

The non-transmitting smart meter is not a meaningful option for persons concerned about health risks; fire hazards; security; and Constitutional rights and freedoms.

The House of Commons Committee Report  recently tabled recommends:

“That the Government of Canada, through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, consider funding research into the link between radiofrequency fields and potential health effects such as cancer, genetic damage, infertility, impairment to development and behaviour, harmful effects to eyes and on the brain, cardiovascular, biological and biochemical effects.”

The information is available through Canadians for Safe Technology in Vancouver (c4st.org) and Take Back Your Power (takebackyourpower.net/directory/canada/).

Alex Atamanenko’s representative said the way to change existing policies is through public involvement. Residents from Grand Forks and Area D collaborated to create a 265-page Grand Forks Water Meter Manifesto, a collection of  questions and concerns about water meters, and  suggestions for alternatives. It was presented to City Council, and was instrumental in getting city council to agree to consider resident concerns.

Your opinion counts. The Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen board voted to pass a resolution requesting the provincial government, through the BC Utilities Commission, halt installation of FortisBC smart meters in the RDOS. Area D can do the same, if enough people speak up.

I will collect letters and present them to FortisBC, Area D Representative Roly Russell, and others.

– Karin Bagn, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette