LETTER: Opposing sides mixed throughout auditorium

LETTER: Opposing sides mixed throughout auditorium

It is a disgrace that the article published June 21 in your paper regarding the rezoning meeting of 222 Corfield St. is inaccurate. You know what they say about "fake news."

It is a disgrace that the article published June 21 in your paper regarding the rezoning meeting of 222 Corfield St. is inaccurate. You know what they say about “fake news.”

I personally attended the entire meeting and was a speaker in opposition of the rezoning and proposed development for 222 Corfield St. I am not against low-income housing, but I am fully against this proposed development and the location.

Your article reads:

“The meeting was literally split down the middle of the Parksville Community and Conference Centre with the hundreds in attendance sitting on one side for pro supportive housing and the other for those against the rezoning, with microphones on either side of the auditorium for the two sides.”

The fact is that the gallery was mixed throughout with those for and against on either side of the auditorium. It was the speakers for the pro and con line ups that were designated a side. I had many, many friends and family that were all opposed mixed in on each side with others that were for it and I can tell you the signs read where you were to stand to line up to speak not to sit and attend.

Please get your reporting straight and make sure you know what you’re reporting is true and factual.

Heather Grant


Parksville Qualicum Beach News