Letter: Opposition to the pipeline

I am not a fan of the oil sands nor the arrogance of some Albertan visitors to B.C.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Is there something in the food or the water that gives people the arrogance to assume that they are in the majority opinion, if there even is one?

In almost every controversy, it seems some people appoint themselves part of an elusive, silent, perhaps tyrannical majority?

I am one who opposes the pipeline, not just because I hate depending on arrogant and evil oil and gas companies but, because I love the earth we live on. I also believe we need to stop running roughshod over the environment and especially attempting to hurt or betray First Nations.

I do not support the pipelines, even the fact of replacing old pipelines. An old evil doesn’t justify continuing to a newer evil. I am opposed to the Liberals, Prime Minister Trudeau and his henchmen and henchwomen, the Conservatives and their lackeys and the wanna be NDPers.

I am not a fan of the oil sands nor the arrogance of some Albertan visitors to B.C., nor their premier and her threats.

Any pipelines affecting any First Nations must get their approval, even retroactively, or later than it was avoided. They have more to lose than any of us considering they often live too near the affected areas. You might not care where our food comes from but I am sure they do, especially if they have to obtain it themselves.

Patrick Longworth, Penticton

Penticton Western News