(THE NEWS/files)Maple Ridge Coun. Gordie Robson opposes the city taking on garbage collection.

(THE NEWS/files)Maple Ridge Coun. Gordie Robson opposes the city taking on garbage collection.

Letter: Opt out of municipal garbage?

'Garbage disposal never a problem for us.'

Editor, The News:

It appears that those promoting this costly method of garbage pick-up are unaware of the fact that several companies provide garbage pick up in Maple Ridge on a fee-for-service basis.

Having owned property in Maple Ridge since 1971 and lived here as of 1974, garbage disposal has never been a problem for us.

Presently, we take our garbage to the transfer station about eight to 10 times a year at a cost of about $ 150 maximum.

No doubt a change to municipal collection will be far higher and is not needed with private collection being available to those wanting such.

At the very least, those of us who do not wish to pay for vastly greater fees should be able to opt out.

John and Wanda van der Hoeven

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News