Organ donation form from BC Transplant. (BC Transplant)

LETTER: Opt-out organ donation is definitely not the way to go

'I for one do not want any part of my body taken and given to someone else'

Re: “Opt-out organ donation,” Chilliwack Progress, editorial, Jan. 29, 2021.

I do not believe that the system should change from the present sign up to be an organ donor.

If a person wishes their organs donated, it is up to them to decide that, not the government.

Stating that those of us who do not wish to donate our organs must somehow notify the government of our wishes is not realistic. If a person wants to donate their organs, then have it put on their driver’s licence or provincial identification. That would be the simplest solution.

I for one do not want any part of my body taken and given to someone else. To me that is plain and simply wrong even though I am not religious. Alternatively I do not want someone else’s body parts inside of me.

You have one life. Live it. Don’t expect someone else’s body parts to give you a second life.

Blaine Ans

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