Osprey Village round-about is being worked on at a popular Pitt Meadows intersection, drawing the ire of one local resident. (Kerwin Maude/Special to The News)

LETTER: Osprey round-about redo a waste of dollars?

Pitt Meadows resident critical of council for spending taxpayer money on beautification

Dear Editor,

Re: city hall

This is a view, but not alone, what’s going on with the round-a-bout by Osprey Village?

How much money was spent with trades, equipment, and supplies for the former site and now, once again, its under construction?

A flagger said they want to put in plants, etc. to beautify the area.

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South Pitt Meadows is congested with a mega warehouse project and increased traffic to possibly adversely affect home real estate prices as a few realtors suggest.

Roads are saturated with big trucks, surface damage, and traffic backups.

City hall needs to show us the cost of the former round-about and the estimated new plans.

We are getting a new firehall and a new police station.

Maybe money does grow on trees , btw, not all warehouses need new staff as often most are transplants.

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Let’s raise taxes more…

Kerwin Maude, Pitt Meadows

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