
Letter: O’Toole not serious about wanting to form government

It is easier for Erin O'Toole to remain as opposition leader

O’Toole not serious about wanting to form government

Federal Conservative Party opposition leader Erin O’Toole does not want to form the government of Canada.

Why? The age requirement to collect old age pension in Canada is age 65 and over. The present Liberal government of Canada has approved a 10 per cent old age pension increase beginning in August, 2022 to anyone who has reached the age of 75 by June 22, 2022.

If Erin O’Toole wanted to receive millions of votes for his Conservative Party, he would make this 10 per cent increase to all Canadian seniors from age 65 and older.

The 2016 Canadian census listed Canada as having 5.9 million seniors. If the increase was for age 65 years and older, this would not make a serious dent into the already government deficit.

Erin O’Toole is paid $182,600 per year as a federal MP and is paid an additional $88,700 for his job as the official opposition leader of the Government of Canada.

It is easier for Erin O’Toole to remain as opposition leader earning a taxpayer funded excellent salary with no pressure. Being prime minister only creates pressure, which can affect one’s health.

In summary, Erin O’Toole, is running a phoney election campaign in hoping that his Conservative Party remains as the official opposition party after the Sept. 20, 2021 federal election.


Joe Sawchuk


Cowichan Valley Citizen