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LETTER: Owners need to obey leash laws in Port Alberni parks

The parks in Port Alberni are beautiful walking areas…

To the Editor,

The parks in Port Alberni are beautiful walking areas in which my wife and I avail ourselves daily. Lately there have been quite a number of dogs walking with their owners around Kitsuksis Dyke at Blair Park. This is a wonderful way to get some exercise for both owner and pet, however owners should be aware that others expect that dogs should be on a leash in public places as most are.

However, sometimes this is not the case. Dogs are allowed to run free near their owners.

We have noticed that signs posted outlining the bylaw are not prominent in the area to remind owners of the rules. We are asking that signs be posted clearly and hope all owners recognize that other walkers expect the rules to be followed.

Terry Ellwood,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News