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LETTER: Paintball is not about violence, it’s a sport that’s fun

Local reader takes offence to views on a proposed new business in Maple Ridge

Dear Editor,

RE: LETTER: Maple Ridge should turn down proposed paintball business, March 20, The News

As a resident of Maple Ridge and someone who has played paintball since the late 1990s, and played at Maple Ridge Paintball – the first time in 2000 at a tournament, that we won, I can say that Doug Buker [letter writer] obviously has no idea that paintball has been a part of Maple Ridge for well over 20 years.

Tensof thousands of adults and kids have played off of the end 227th Street.

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Every time I was there, I didn’t see gangsters or criminals, I saw smiles and laughter and people of all ages having fun.

Paintball is one of the few sports, when play competitively, there is no men’s and women’s league. There is only competition. Equal on the field. No genders, only players.

My wife has played, my two girls – while a bit young to play yet – do enjoy shooting paint and have asked me to take them out.

Maybe the [letter writer] should get out and get some exercise and come and see what an adrenaline rush the sport is.

R. Fisher, Maple Ridge


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