Around 150 people came out to rally against Asian racism at a protest at Gyro Park on Sunday. (Monique Tamminga Western News)

LETTER: Pandemic has brought anti-Asian racism to the surface

'I do not understand why the COVID-19 virus has divided people when it should be uniting people'

The COVID-19 virus has brought out the worst in many non-Asian Canadians. By worst, I am referring to discrimination pertaining to the Asian race that is widespread, for no reason.

Firstly, the majority of Asian people living in Canada were born in Canada and are Canadian citizens. Secondly, the remaining Asian people living in Canada are landed immigrants or are students here on a visitors’ visa while they attend university.

Asian people did not cause the COVID-19 virus, and the overwhelming majority of them were in Canada when the virus broke out.

Racial discrimination is an ugly blight that needs to be eradicated.

The Criminal Code of Canada is only one part of a wide plethora of laws that can be used to fight discrimination.

All people need to stand their ground and not back down when encountering racism.

I do not understand why the COVID-19 virus has divided people when it should be uniting people. The people of the world have a common enemy that must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Linda Meyer

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