Letter: Parking at KGH not working–needs review

…see how many employees with assigned stalls are taking up spaces meant for patients and visitors.

To the editor:

Perhaps a reporter could go do some investigation into the parking at the Kelowna General Hospital, especially when they say 340 employees are waiting for stalls.

The top two floors of the parkade are reserved for employees. They have to submit there licence plate number and there is a waiting list. But not all the staff park there. For a measley $5 (out of the daily wage) they can park all day on the other floors out of the weather conditions. Therefore there are many many empty stalls on those top floors.

Even the ‘waiting’ employees would not be able to park there as their licence plate would not match and they could be towed.

Therefore, since the hospital has the licence plate numbers they should go through the parkade and just see how many employees with assigned stalls are taking up spaces meant for patients and visitors. Then they could allow the public to park on those floors.

Two years ago I chatted with a distraught lady driving around and around looking for a space. She was from Kamloops and had an appointment with a specialist. She indicated if she was late her appointment would be considered cancelled. She was frantic. Not sure of her outcome.

Janet O’Flynn,



Kelowna Capital News