Letter: Part of Penticton’s silent majority

I just wanted to let you know that I am part of that silent majority that elected our current council and mayor.

In Response to Lynn Crassweller’s letter (Penticton Western News, Nov. 16, Imaginary things), I am writing my first letter to the Western News.

Hi, my name is Joe McLeod and I live in Penticton with my wife. I am 33 years old and own a business. We have been living here for about six years now and I have been reading this paper since we bought our home three years ago. I just wanted to let you know that I am part of that silent majority that elected our current council and mayor.

We believe by doing our part on election day, by showing up and voting, that our council and mayor can do the job that we had elected them to do by making the difficult decisions that they face on a regular basis.

Some of these decisions may not be in everyone’s favour but that’s just the way things happen sometimes. We understand that not everyone is perfect and that when they make some decisions we don’t agree with that maybe there’s a bigger picture, a method to their madness. We understand that most of the people here that are the loudest have been living here longer, paying taxes longer and have helped shape what this great city has become. Thank you so much. We are all very grateful for everything you have done, but what we, the “silent majority” would like, is a chance to do the same. To help shape this great city a little more. That’s why we elected the current mayor and council, whom we trust with the job we have given them.

Thanks for listening. I guess this means we’re just a little bit less silent.

Joe Mcleod



Penticton Western News