A letter writer encourages people to think globally and act locally to save the environment and the life that depends on it. (NASA)

LETTER: Patriotism used as a flag to shut down discussion of issues

Letter writer has blunt assessment of conspiracy theories

Dear Editor,

I am usually guilty of trying to show why I either support or rebuke what others write in their letters to the editor. I don’t like superficial comments which explain very little or nothing at all.

But when I saw the letter by K. Stevens, I thought why bother showing why her paranoia is misplaced as she waves her love of country around as a means to ward off critical thinking.

In short, her letter boils down to being just another version of the anti-environment conspiracy theories that plague social media. Let me say this about conspiracy believers for which I make no apologies for my bluntness: conspiracy theories exist to make stupid people feel smart.

After the damage that QAnon and other conspiracy theorists did – and still are doing in contesting the election of Biden – in the American election, it is no wonder that conspiracy theorists have been labelled a national security risk in that country.

They should be similarly be labelled as such in Canada for the misinformation, and out and out rubbish that they promote.

There is only one earth, Ms. Stevens. What one country does affect all other countries. To save the planet and all the life that depends on it we must act locally but think globally.

By the way, my Uncle Tom died in Normandy fighting for my right to freedom of expression so don’t try and claim you have more freedom of expression than I do.

Robert T. Rock, Mission


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