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Credit: Contributed

Letter: Peachland is a beautiful town but it needs to grow

Upcoming public hearing surrounding Peachland's OCP is drawing attention

Letter to the editor:

In response to the letter “Peachlanders will have plenty to say” from Taryn Skalbania I wish to inform the writer that I and my husband were in attendance at the June 13 PeachTree open house in the Council Chambers. As a citizen of Peachland for 15 years and a landowner here for 28 years we felt we should attend this important meeting. Ms Skalbania writes that “only a handful of Rotarians and Chamber of Commerce members attended and this disproportional support swayed council.” What a foolish unfounded statement. We did not go as representatives of Rotary. I should like to point out that Rotary is a service club and does not become involved in taking sides in controversial issues. However, members of Rotary are citzens and they are entitled to express their personal views.

Those who opposed the building of this new structure had an opportunity to attend that meeting just as we did but they chose to not attend and thus didn’t take the opportunity to voice their concern.

Our municipal council would not make its decision based on a few people who happen to be members of two local non profit groups, nor should they take the views of a group that collectively has been against any development for the last 15 years or more. It’s always the same people against every proposed development.

The bickering back and forth is a disgrace and very hurtful to Peachland. At times I’m almost embarassed to say I’m a Peachlander because of all this controversy and rudeness. This is truly a beautiful little town but it needs to grow.

Peggy Southin, President Rotary Club of Peachland

Kelowna Capital News