LETTER: Pedestrians not easily seen after dark

Readers says Sooke walkers unaware of their visibility at night

LETTER: Pedestrians not easily seen after dark

Visiting Sooke last week for a few days, I noticed that many pedestrians in Sooke must be unaware of their visibility.

I drove after 5 p.m. many times and in many different areas of Sooke and noticed pedestrians and dog walkers were almost invisible while walking along the roads.

Most people wear wearing dark clothing without any reflection, and not facing ongoing traffic while walking.

They were particularly difficult to see when myself, the driver, had oncoming traffic to watch for.

I am amazed more people are not victims of car pedestrian accidents.

I would like to mention to the pedestrians of Sooke to ask themselves when out walking after dark, “if they think they are visible to traffic?”

Please wear reflective arm bands, pant clips or backpacks or jackets with reflection or even a headlamp.

The streets are very dark as many have limited streetlights, and you are not seen.

I hope this brings awareness and possibly saves a life.

Anita Lischewski, Edmonton

Sooke News Mirror