If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

LETTER: Pendulum swinging too far the other way on ‘The Clan’

Writer critical of licence plate stalking and efforts to rename SFU sport teams

Dear Editor,

[RE: All Washington plate owners can’t be Canadian residents, July 4, The News online]

This person obviously has more time on his/her hands than common sense.

Going around collecting and trying to report U.S. licence plates is racist.

Maybe these people are dual citizens, could be doctors, maybe they are First Nations people who have more rights than other people when it comes to travel across borders.

I do not believe the data given by the NDP government, which is never challenged by local newspapers and the press in general.

Yet it is OK for the Simon Fraser University sports teams to try and erase British Columbias Scottish residents heritage and histor. SFU has used the Clans man name for decades – these students knew the name of the sports programs before entering SFU – if they don’t like the heritage behind the name, play somewhere else.

UNRELATED LETTER: Who says which healthcare workers are deserving of top ups?

My family is proud of our Scottish heritage and even more proud to be from the “Middleton Clan.”

And I just read where an Interior team is dropping the name “Rebel” from a sport’s team – lots of songs should now be banned from air play.

Billy Idol comes to mind – time for people to get a life – celebrate your roots and your heritage don’t allow left-wing SFU university students to deny your rights as a Canadian citizen.

Doug Buker, Maple Ridge


• If there is more to this issue, please let us know about it. Email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

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