Letter: Pension raise ‘a slap in the face’ to senior

It is time that our illustrious government leaders realize that a $1 and pennies raise in the old age pension is a slap in the face.

To the editor:

In today’s era of high prices and where everything costs a fortune, it is time that our illustrious government leaders woke up to the fact that a $1 and pennies raise in the old age pension is a slap in the face to all pensioners.

Also, getting rid of the pennies does little to help pay the bills as they were saved by us for that.

I am in favour of saving money and could suggest many things in government that should do more.

Our neighbours in the USA must think we are nuts to stop pennies in the financial structure, and hope that they will continue to laugh all the way to the bank.

Remember that every penny we threw in that fountain added up to a fortune.

Ron Barnard,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News