Letter: Pensioner bitter economic discrepancy is justified

We have a disaster in our own country, the worst poverty levels for seniors and children in the Western world…

To the editor:

I am an old age pensioner, on a pension that, in today’s market, is way below the poverty line that the government itself set, and it really bothers me when you have Jim Flaherty of the federal government, say that it is impossible due to economical circumstances to even think about giving Canadian pensioners any kind of decent increase in there pension and specifically I mean the ones, through no fault of there own, have no company pensions, only the Old Age Pension.

Look at the huge pensions that they, the politicians, give themselves—now that is a disgrace.

Please, I do not say that we should not help countries around the world, for example places like Haiti or the Philippines, with help when they have a disaster but please understand something: We have a disaster in our own country, the worst poverty levels for seniors and children in the Western world and that should be attended to first then help those other countries that need help.

I know that I will probably get a lot of negative input about my input but they most likely will come from affluent pensioners and not from the majority of Canadian Old Age Pensioners struggling to get by in the real world.

Thomas James McLuskey,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News