Letter: Penticton MLA Ashton goes above and beyond

We can be quite critical of our politicians at times; sometimes for very good reasons.

We can be quite critical of our politicians at times; sometimes for very good reasons.

But do we take enough time to thank them when they go beyond the normal expectations?

As we approach Thanksgiving, I’d like to publicly say thanks to MLA Dan Ashton. An old friend of mine has two sons with autism. One had run into some problems with government due directly to his Asperger’s Syndrome.

As he lives in the U.S., I agreed to be his representative in Canada. For several years I dealt with his issues; finally the federal government agreed with the solution I proposed. For several more years I could not make any headway with the provincial bureaucracy.  Finally a good friend in Penticton recommended I approach Dan Ashton who I really didn’t know very well, having only met him once at a community fundraiser a couple of years ago.

Dan agreed to hear my case. It is important to note the individual is not a constituent, not a British Columbian, rather a Canadian living in Seattle. Nevertheless Dan felt his issues deserved serious re-consideration. Dan collected as much background as I could supply. He went forward to the key officials and within a very short time had the same arrangement as the feds had accepted.  Dan didn’t have to, he wasn’t going to gain or lose votes — he did it because he thought it was the fair thing to do.

This Thanksgiving I’m very thankful he’s my MLA.  Thank you, Dan.

Glenn Sinclair




Penticton Western News