LETTER: Pepper spray attacks need to be reported

LETTER: Pepper spray attacks need to be reported

A Langley letter writer wants to see a message that actions are not acceptable

Dear Editor,

I am submitting this letter to encourage readers to report incidents such as this to the police.

I had dinner at the Derby Restaurant, near the border Friday evening.

I was driving home, north on 200th Street at about 28th Avenue.

There was a pedestrian walking towards me on the west side of the street.

A white car slowed down beside him briefly, and someone in the passenger side sprayed him with a massive cloud of what must have been pepper spray or bear spray.

I did a U-turn and asked if he was ok, then took off after the car to get a lic. no. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful.

I drove back and finally found him just inside a trailer park. He insisted I not call an ambulance, even though he was clearly in considerable distress – he just wanted a ride home.

I drove him home (he had about another 2 miles to walk). I called 911 to report the incident, in case there were more reports of similar incidents. I encourage others to do the same.

This could be life-threatening for someone with medical problems.

How doing something like this can be considered fun by some people is beyond me.

Barry Whaites, Langley

Langley Times