Letter: Phones nearly cause head-on collisions

I have not paid my entrance fee to Heaven so I hope this does not happen again. Please leave your phone to rest or pull over.

To the editor:

My wife and I were going east on #16 towards Prince George on a nice clear day.  We are in a pick-up with a small empty trailer cruising along at the 100 km/h rate allowed.

On a double solid line, a Kal Tire semi approaches and just before it reaches us, swerves across both lines.

My wife was quick and she was able to swerve enough out of the way to allow the truck by.  This makes the heart pump.

Some time later, I was behind the wheel when a black sedan does exactly the same but this time we could clearly see the driver texting.

I was able to swerve and again avoid a fatal head-on collision.

If you remember how dangerous drunk drivers are then you will not be amazed that texting drivers are more dangerous. Are the phones that important that you want or dare to have a head-on collision equal to 200 km/h into a cement wall?

I have not paid my entrance fee to Heaven so I hope this does not happen again.

Please leave your phone to rest or pull over.

Jorgen Hansen, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News