The artwork is by Caitlin Legault who is not the only local person grateful to those who work in health care. A local letter writer recently had to go to hospital and wanted everyone there to know that their efforts are appreciated. (Special to The News)

LETTER: Pitt Meadows letter writer grateful for all those who cared for her at hospital

Staff in every department worthy of praise, local woman says

Dear Editor,

I want to publicly thank Ridge Meadows Hospital for their excellent care while spending an unexpected stay.

From the moment I was admitted, to the long hours in the ER and the balance on 3 West, I was treated with upmost respect and amazing care.

Doctors, nurses, lab tecs, x ray specialists, cleaners, lab workers and kitchen staff – all made for a finelytuned operation.

They work so hard and never complain.

I wish I could name you all personally but since I cannot, please accept my deepest appreciation for all you do.

Diane Humphries, Pitt Meadows

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