LETTER: Please reconsider public bus

I was very disappointed to hear that the transit bus extension to Abbotsford-Chilliwack was not passed at the city council meeting...

I was very disappointed to hear that the transit bus extension to Abbotsford-Chilliwack was not passed at the city council meeting.

Give your heads a shake! There is no demand? We have lived in Abbotsford for nearly 12 years and have been listening to the advocates for bus service to the Lower Mainland all that time. The business I represent has held six annual conferences in Abbotsford and each year we hear from our attendees or would-be attendees that if we held it closer to the city they would attend, but they can’t come because there is no way to come if they don’t drive.

An affordable, reliable transit option would improve attendance at our hockey games, conventions and entertainment events.

Last July we had one brave soul who did try the Aldergrove connector.  It took him four hours to come from the UBC area to Abbotsford.

I doubt that many have the stomach for that ride.

Personally, we have several family members who were very excited to think that they might be able to come from Vancouver to Abbotsford without having to resort to Greyhound.

I’m sure that many would love to step out of their cars and onto the bus, if they had a reliable service. How many from Abbotsford take the train from Mission to Vancouver? The few times I have ridden on it, it was full.

No demand? Simply because there hasn’t been any hope!

Please reconsider the possibility.

Colleen Giesbrecht


Abbotsford News