
Letter: Please sign petitions to keep Centennial Park as-is

Effectively eliminating any space for people to relax

Please sign petitions to keep Centennial Park as-is

You cannot even think of building a six-storey, 137 unit residence in our only family park!

Yes, Duncan Manor needs a new home. But mayor, are you not capable of finding a more appropriate space elsewhere in Duncan than Centennial Park?

We’re talking about a park that has tennis courts, lawn bowling, an amazing water park for kids, community gardens, walking trails up the hillside, a duck pond, kitchen with dining area, a modest relaxing stretch of lawn under beautiful trees — and you want to plunk down a six-storey residence in it, effectively eliminating any space for people to relax while their kids play, for groups to meet, or just relax and read a book?

Bye-bye Centennial Park as we know it! PLEASE sign our petitions!

Gale Ludvigsen


Cowichan Valley Citizen