

LETTER: Please take care of the library kiosks

Elinor Bell asks residents to care for the little libraries

Dear Editor:

The Agassiz Friends of the Library recently installed two “take a book, leave a book” kiosks for the use and enjoyment of all. The premise is that you take a book, or two, and leave a book or two for someone else to enjoy.

The kiosk in Pioneer Park has been repeatedly almost emptied of all the books at once. Obviously, whoever is doing this has no respect for the work done by many volunteers who made these kiosks possible or for the idea of leaving books for others to enjoy.

I hope that if you see anyone filling a bag or box with books that you will remind them of the purpose of these kiosks.

Oh, and if you can remember to close the doors of the kiosks after you use them, that would help protect the books from the weather.

Elinor Bell


Agassiz-Harrison Observer