Maple Ridge’s Jean Ticehurst drew this “monster” hoping her depiction of the “evil coronavirus” would bring a smile to people’s faces. (Special to The News)

Maple Ridge’s Jean Ticehurst drew this “monster” hoping her depiction of the “evil coronavirus” would bring a smile to people’s faces. (Special to The News)

LETTER: Please use common sense in dealing with COVID

Aspiring artists wants people to follow the rules to help keep everyone safe

Dear Editor,

If we all stand together, we can beat this nasty beast (COVID-19).

Everything that is required is common sense (which in today’s world is almost void in the English language), but we all can be re-trained in the use of these tiny words that are so much of value.

Rules that are put in place to protect us all and others and are meant to be followed.

And last, is consequences, which is again almost void in today’s world.

COVID RELATED: Celebrating inclusion in team humanity

These words are very imperative to attacking this nasty beast that has everyone in fear.

If we stand strong together and use some simple, 0ld-fahsioned phrases as the above, we will beat this beast and be victorious.

And just remember to make a smile for those who need an uplift, and that is the most important tool we can use in these times… just stay safe and use common sense and follow the rules… and maybe this picture will bring lots of smiles to those who see it.

Jean Tichurst, Maple Ridge

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Maple Ridge News