LETTER: Points to ponder about Skaha Lake Park

Questioning the agreement signed with Trio Marine Group

Regarding Skaha Lake Park:

1) Total area of Skaha Lake Park that is zoned park and not covered in asphalt, paths and playgrounds etc. — 107,888  square metres. Total area of greenspace designated for waterslides — 12,292 square metres with the possibility of using 2,227 more square metres depending on riparian areas. This is only 11 to 13 per cent of the total greenspace.

2) Latest population count for Penticton — 32,877 (from 2011) ‘no’ petition presented to council on June 29, 2015 — 65 signatures —  minus four non-residents = 61. This is 0.185 per cent of the population. Latest number of ‘no’ petition signatures — 6,000. This is 18.25 per cent of the population. To be truly accurate non-residents names must be removed from the petition as they are not counted in the population. 1,000 people at rally — 3.04 per cent of the population. None of these figures can be considered a majority.

3) Trio must provide a “detailed financial plan showing approved financing sufficient to pay for all aspects of capital expenditures.”  From the contract on page 17, article 11.1.

4)  Trio shall “provide Penticton with an irrevocable  letter of credit which will form security against default by Trio.” From the contract on page 23, article 16.2.

5) If either points three or four are not done to the satisfaction of Penticton,  the agreement will be terminated. Found in the contract.

6) The city had already granted a “non-exclusive license to enter onto the land solely for the purpose of conducting the operation of a marina, cold beer and wine store, restaurant, sale of fuel, recreational items, rental of boats, personal watercraft and other recreational equipment and  accessories associated with the above noted.” Found in the city/Trio license to use in article 1 – 1.01. This was approved by a previous mayor and council.

7) Trio shall not “impede or restrict the use of existing hard-surfaced  pathways for general public pedestrian and cyclist purposes.” Found in the contract on page 27 – article 20.6.

8) Archaeologists, working of behalf of the PIB, are inspecting the area in order to clear it for development.

9) Trio is responsible for  “researching, applying and obtaining provincial and federal approvals regarding the riparian/wetland areas with respect to environmental regulations.”

10) Trees will be preserved as much as possible. Most trees will remain. Trio will look at waterslide configurations to avoid trees whenever possible. The marina/waterslide areas will be landscaped so new trees, shrubs etc. will be planted. With new sidewalks, you can still walk your dogs through the area at no charge.

11) Points eight, nine and 10 are somewhere in the contract.

Maureen Wood



Penticton Western News