
Letter: Police are in the wrong place

Oh, yes, they are at the Fairy Creek area arresting people who are trying to save old trees

Police are in the wrong place

Have you travelled on the highway recently? I recently drove to Parksville. There are a lot of cars on the road and many are being driven well over the speed limit. I mean 20 or more km/hr over the limit.

Many of these speed demons are aggressive drivers, weaving in and out to get ahead. They are accidents waiting to happen. More innocent lives will be lost.

I saw no police on my way there or back. Where are they? Oh, yes, they are at the Fairy Creek area arresting people who are trying to save old trees — trees that sequester carbon, thus helping to mitigate climate change. There is something very wrong with this picture — this picture where police are in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing.

Why? The police are bound to obey orders. Whose orders? Our government? Why is the government not seeing that this picture is wrong? Do they see the big picture but ignore it because they are under the control of big business; corporations that operate on the principle that they must make money above all?

I know these are rhetorical questions.

I believe there are unjust laws that, although they may have been thought to be just at one time, are now unjust because we have learned of the effects we have made on our environment. We must not stubbornly stick to old values.

Police should not be arresting people who are helping to save people’s lives by taking a stand against an unjust law. There are so many problems where we need our police’s attention, driving infractions being one example.

Gail Mitchell


Cowichan Valley Citizen