Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum. (Screen shot from State of City Address)

LETTER: Policing petition will finally give Surrey residents a voice on transition

A voice is something we aren't used to having with Doug McCallum in mayor's seat

The Editor,

Re: “Path to policing vote opens up,” the Now-Leader, June 24.

As a citizen of Surrey, I am thrilled that an initiative has been approved that may lead to a referendum about this serious issue.

I am in favour of keeping the RCMP in Surrey. The budget is already completely out of control, our taxes have increased as high as 82 per cent for some businesses, and homeowners have been hit with taxes much higher than the 2.9 per cent that Mayor Doug McCallum has consistently stated.

OUR VIEW: Surrey woman proves you can fight city hall

McCallum refuses to listen to anyone who opposes his plan.

I’m hoping with this petition that the media continues to share the story behind how this campaign came to be, started by Darlene Bennett, whose husband was gunned down in broad daylight in front of their home.

I also hope the media continues to put the spotlight on the mayor’s behaviour during council meetings, where residents attempt to make their concerns known.

The people of Surrey have no voice with this mayor at the helm.

Michele Bruce, Surrey

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